About Camille
I'm Camille. I have a butt-chin. I live in Canada. I was born in Arizona. I like Diet Dr. Pepper. Hello.
You can find me on Twitter @archiveslives, Facebook at facebook.com/archivesofourlives, instagram at ArchivesLives, and elsewhere.
Hello, and welcome to another rousing round of Saturday Steals, where what you get is what you see and what you see is cheap or free! To participate, simply: 1) Steal a steal. 2) Write a post about it on … Continue reading →
Hello, and welcome to another rousing round of Saturday Steals, where what you get is what you see and what you see is cheap or free! To participate, simply: 1) Steal a steal. 2) Write a post about it on … Continue reading →
Why are English people so cool? My English friend Ros from Ticklepea is doing some really awesome stuff on her blog right now. I’ve taken the liberty to swipe one of her latest cool posts to show you so you … Continue reading →
Wife: Hey, my Love? I have a problem with my _______________ [fill in the blank with any number of common annoyances; possible options include: internet connection, sore shoulder, check engine light, garbage disposal, mother-in-law, yard work, laptop, hangnail]. Can you … Continue reading →
The most stressful part of faux parenthood was not that the children were difficult or the job was physically demanding (though it was a workout). It wasn’t that I had to be constantly on my guard (though I did). For … Continue reading →
I have cried–wept–no fewer than six separate times today. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I didn’t even push anything out of my crotch for it. I can never be a mother.
Posted in awesome., failures, family, in all seriousness, introspection, kid stuffs, Married Life, nephew, sad things, the great state of AZ, woe is me
Tagged Auntie, childcare, nephew
Today was the halfway mark of the Faux Motherhood project. I finally busted out the camera to prove that I was here. Here they are, Captain Angry Eyes and Ginger in the photographic flesh: I have a serious anxiety problem … Continue reading →