About Camille
I'm Camille. I have a butt-chin. I live in Canada. I was born in Arizona. I like Diet Dr. Pepper. Hello.
You can find me on Twitter @archiveslives, Facebook at facebook.com/archivesofourlives, instagram at ArchivesLives, and elsewhere.
Hello, and welcome to another rousing round of Saturday Steals, where what you get is what you see and what you see is cheap or free! To participate, simply: 1) Steal a steal. 2) Write a post about it on … Continue reading →
I’ve never known how to pronounce “chagrin.” I only ever use it when I’m writing because I’m always worried I’ll say it wrong. Chelsie, my friend since high school, has been visiting since Wednesday and I got completely distracted by … Continue reading →
September 2011 marks the start of my 25th year alive on this old earth. I’m not having a quarter-life crisis. But I nearly am. It’s not that I necessarily feel old—I have enough post-25 readers to know that I would … Continue reading →
Thank you to my four friends (all of whom I know personally in real life as of June!) who participated in Saturday Steals over the weekend. Here’s what they stole: Chloe from My New Life as a Housewife got lots … Continue reading →
Hello, and welcome to another rousing round of Saturday Steals, where what you get is what you see and what you see is cheap or free! To participate, simply: 1) Steal a steal. 2) Write a post about it on … Continue reading →
I have done some intensive research and come to the conclusion that I’m looking pretty frumpy these days. Proof: look at all those chins, those scraggy bangs; if it were a full-body shot you’d see a fair bit of chunk … Continue reading →
I was seventeen when I first heard about the concept of The List. Bob and me when I was more or less 17—young and idealistic. Have you heard of it? The List of the top five or ten celebrities with … Continue reading →