Halloween used to be my favourite holiday. It was my one chance to dress up like a beautiful and sparkly (insert over-clichéd childish dream); the one time out of the year I could beg—and eat—all the candy I wanted with … Continue reading
Halloween used to be my favourite holiday. It was my one chance to dress up like a beautiful and sparkly (insert over-clichéd childish dream); the one time out of the year I could beg—and eat—all the candy I wanted with … Continue reading
One-word Wednesday: Ow. No, that’s not just a dirty thumbnail. The pointer finger, on the other hand {ha! Get it? Other hand?} is dirty (dirty with seven hours’ worth of spray paint); but the thumbnail is nothin’ but a nice … Continue reading
On the inside of my right nostril, over the course of one night, I have contracted either a pimple or a bug bite. I don’t know which is worse. On one hand, I might have a pimple inside my nose. … Continue reading
It’s my birthday. And on this, the 25th of September, I would like to declare that I’m tired of keeping it real. What I want, for just one day, is a whole lot of fake. In other words, instead of … Continue reading
We always knew this day would come. It was inevitable, I suppose. Poor Kyle bought a house (our current little love shack) back in September of 2006. Now, two years later, the cable company has finally figured out that the … Continue reading
Question, from Anonymous: “Though you often [don’t you mean ‘always,‘ Anonymous?] speak entertainingly, with typically appropriate grammar, almost always correctly spelled, sometimes you do speak unkindly. Likely the reason the Mayberry story was never reposted. My question is this; did … Continue reading
I do not like cats. If you like cats, I may or may not still like you. I have several friends whose families own cats…and I love those friends dearly. But…show me too many pictures you’ve taken with your cats … Continue reading