My life is just like Jerry Seinfeld’s. You remember Jerry? The star of “the show about nothing?”
Image from here.
His show was about nothing, but really, it was about everything; or should I say, every nothing. Such a clever, catchy idea. Of course, it appeals to the masses, because everybody has to deal with nothing every now and again. Deep, Jerry. Deep.
Anyway, my life is just like Jerry’s. Basically, I maintain this blog five days a week, and what do I write about? Absolutely nothing. Or so I’m told. The thing about having Poor Kyle as my tech guy is…
…he suddenly has all these…opinions.
“What are you going to blog about?” he asks.
I explain to him my ideas, not really asking for his feedback, but don’t worry: He gives it anyway.
And I can’t say I really mind his opinions. I mean, it’s nice to have another brain around who can help me think of blog topics. And it’s comforting to know how much he does supports this venture of mine—heaven knows a lot of husbands don’t even read their spouses’ blogs. So I’m glad about that. I only wish that he would have…well…something useful to say about it.
I don’t mean that he’s “good for nothing.” Au contraire—he’s valuable in more ways than I could possibly find time to list. But when it comes to blog post ideas, he doesn’t really help all that much:
“I don’t like it,” he declares, after hearing my proposal.
“It’s not good.”
“Why not?”
“It’s boring. Everybody else has already blogged about that.”
“So I need to be original?”
“Yes. Be the better blogger.” My husband has all these grand ideas, saying that I need to “be the better blogger,” and come up with something brilliant that will make Dooce™ seem like old news. He’s sure I have it in me {he really is supportive}, and that all I need to do is channel my inner genius, become one with the blog, and keep my eye on the prize… Which is motivational and all, but it still doesn’t give me anything to blog about.
“Okay…then what should I write?”
“…I don’t know. Something good.” Thanks, Poor Kyle. That’s helpful.
Afton’s comment in the previous post hit it dead on: This attempt at a header really does sum up what Archives of Our Lives is all about. Poor Kyle, eating treats and providing comedic relief; me, trying my darndest to come up with something brilliant.
{And just for the record, Poor Kyle thinks that you think he’s dumb, and he would like me to publicly announce that he is not dumb. He says you don’t understand that he created this website’s code pretty much from scratch. Even though he borrowed the basic three-column foundational layer of the blog, he still had to use four different computer languages to make all the necessary changes. It wasn’t easy figuring out how to make the date show up at the top of each post, you know. He thinks you just assume he swiped the layout and made a few minor tweaks. He says you don’t appreciate all that he had to go through to come up with this design. You’ve really hurt his feelings. (Which isn’t a manly thing to say, evidently. Poor Kyle would now like me to publicly announce that he does not have feelings. No, no…that makes him sound cruel and heartless. He says he does have feelings, but he doesn’t get them hurt all the time like a pansy. He would like you all to know that he is very tough. And hawt, too [just for good measure.])}
Isn’t it lovely how he gives me absolutely nothing to blog about?
Truly, a blog about nothing…
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