Thanks to my three friends who participated in Saturday Steals over the weekend. You guys made my weekend. (Actually, I had a very good weekend anyway, so you guys made my already-good weekend that much better.)
First up was Ros my English friend from Ticklepea who landed these two sweet books for £1 total:Then Deanna from Meannagan scored free chicken minis from Chic-fil-a™ (which is one fast food joint I will never forgive myself for leaving when I moved away from AZ):
And last my sister, Mrs. Five-to-Nine from Five-to-Nine Furnishings, scored this A-MA-ZING mirror-turned-chalkboard (but still partly mirror because it’s awesome and noncommittal like that) for $3.00. That’s right: THREE DOLLARS. She’s so good at what she does:
Thanks to all who participated!
It really used to bug me when my friends in high school wanted to branch out and meet new people. I hated branching out. I hated new people. Old people were best, always. Over time that philosophy developed into one of my core mantras that makes up who I am today, and that mantra is this: I would rather have one or two quality friends than 10 so-so friends.
I am carrying this philosophy over to Saturday Steals. Oh, sure, when I first hatched the little egglet of an idea I thought it would get me famous on the internet, that everybody would recognise my little SS coupon image, that all the world would know and love me for my genius. Obviously that didn’t happen, but I love Saturday Steals all the same—and maybe even better for it. If you can join, you can join. If you’re too busy, you’re too busy. It doesn’t matter. No guilt. I’ll still be here, stealing away. Maybe one day I will be stealing all alone but I know who I am—a stealer at heart—and if I’m stealing alone I’ll be okay with that.
Alone is not always lonely.
Do you see the cycle of acceptance here?
She knows herself.
A lot of people have asked what my three jobs are. I shall tell you:
1. Part time as a managing editor for two academic journals through the University where I graduated (graduated!!!). I’ve been doing this since February and I love it. I work from home mostly. I get to edit, proofread, and harass authors (mostly professor) about deadlines. I also get to Skype with people in France, Germany, London, and Quebec. And Alberta, but who cares about Alberta. This job is good because I am learning so much about the editing world and online publications. I think most people have no idea how much work goes into an online publication, and these ones are really small compared to most. If you care to read my most recent issue (though I don’t recommend it unless you have an insatiable passion for digital humanities, which, really.), click here. My name even appears in the editorial note. It’s a really boring journal, but it’s my really boring journal.
2. Part time as a piano teacher out of my house on weekday evenings. I have 14 students (still have a few more slots, local Mayberrians), all of whom are quirky and silly and wonderful in every way. I still feel blessed that I don’t hate teaching piano, because either way I’m going to teach, so I might as well not hate it. And I don’t. This job is good because it pays the most out of all my jobs and I can do it from home.
3. Full time as a social media specialist and customer retention assistant at a car dealership in the city. This is my newest job, and I really like it so far. It’s also the first full-time job I’ve ever had and I consider it a bit of a disgrace that it took me until the age of 25 to get one. But there it is. This job is good because it comes with benefits and pension and something legitimate to put on my resume at last.
But all of these jobs are keeping me busy and tired.
So this post is finished.
2 Responses to Saturday Steals Recap and holy crowsies I’m beat.