Irene from Me He Perdido (click on her link—you can see a picture of her and verify that she looks like Minnie Driver, which I’ve thought ever since I met her back in June) swiped these cute London magnets for £2.50:Chelsie from Mind of a Gus scored this salmon-coloured scarf and a stripey sweater all for $5.00 (p.s. I was with her while both of these steals went down):
The look on her face in this photo is my steal for the week.
Ros from Ticklepea discovered a FREE way to cut down the bulk of her enormous (and mouth-wateringly beautiful) library (p.s. I slept with those books in June; my feet were right by that ladder):Maureen from Adventures in the Underground joined me in stealing Asian culinary delicacies (and her steal was way better than mine—go, Maureen!):
And Chloe from My New Life as a Housewife received this cute new ferret leash completely free:
This was an excellent week for steals, my friends! Thanks to all who participated. I know who my true friends are. : )
Guess what? I think we should shoot for 10 steals next weekend. I think the highest we’ve ever had during any given weekend has been 8. 10 seems achievable. I might actually make it a goal, to get 10 participants this weekend. If I do, that would suck for you because you’d have to hear about SS all week as I try to raise awareness and cram it down your throats. And now that I think of it, it is a dangerous thing to set goals that depend on others’ actions—I can put my heart and soul into this and not raise my numbers, which would be disappointing slash devastating, so maybe I’d better just let what will be be. Let nature take its course and all that.
I’ve also been thinking that I should open Steals up to our Facebook friends, too. Poor underprivileged Facebook followers who don’t have blogs of their own have been left out of the Saturday Steals fun for far too long, don’t you think? I am pretty sure there’s a way to leave a link to a FB status update, and if I can figure it out for sure, I’m going to let ‘er rip. Of course, private FB profiles might prove a bit of a hurdle…
Any thoughts?
As for me, guess what I did over the weekend?
1. Went quadding with PK for like 4 hours.
2. Watched a documentary about the Amish with PK (thanks, Netflix on Demand, for that) and decided that Amish people are freaking awesome.
3. Watched a documentary about home birthing with PK and observed that the pregnant women all seemed to have very dark nipples—is this a side effect of pregnancy I wonder? Or was it just a coincidence that they documented four very dark-nippled women give birth at home?
4. Had nightmares about pregnancy, childbirth, afterbirth, placentas, and pooping during labour.
I’m not doing very well at my list of things to accomplish before I turn 25. I went off the wagon on pretty much everything while Chelsie was here visiting; in fact, the only thing I DID stick to was making my bed every morning. (It almost disgusts me how faithful I am at that now.)
A lot of people advised me that instead of tackling the entire list in one month, I should take it slow and just do one at a time. I think it’s good advice, given how dreadfully I pooped out before I even really started last week. So instead of working on all that crap at once, I’m going to start with one subject at a time: this week I will try to be awesome at my physical prowess goals.
Physical Prowess:
• Become moderately active. Get outside and exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 days per week.
• Run a 5K without complaining about it.
• Weigh 142 again and stay there.
• Strengthen self control and will pimples away once and for all.
• Shower daily.
• No, seriously.
I’ve been thinking acne-free thoughts all day and I just showered an hour ago so this week is looking good.
8 Responses to Saturday Steals Recap and whatcha gonna do?