Believe it or not [and you probably won’t], I actually do try to stay optimistic throughout the hard times of my life.
It isn’t easy, though.
Still, I try.
Despite the fact that I now have holes in four different locations of my jaw.
Despite the fact that there is not a Taco Bell™ within a hundred miles of me right now.
I try, even though all I’ve eaten today has been two pureed bananas and a plate of mashed ‘taters.
I still try.
I’m still trying to be cheerful, even though I don’t get out of school this week.
I’m trying, in spite of the fact that I currently reside in the windiest region of North America.
I’m trying to be positive, even though all I want to do is chew. That’s it—chew. Do you all realise how blessed you are to have the ability to chew? I caught a whiff of popcorn at school today, and it just about killed me.
Anyway, none of that stuff matters, because I’m being cheerful today. That’s why I give you this:
Coeur de Pirate (Heart of Pirate)
I’d like to think that if I had been a musician, I would’ve been just like this girl. {I’d need thicker bangs, though—to be a truly good European, one must have top quality thick bangs.} Her real name is Beatrice Martin {hello, way to take an old-school name and turn it beautiful with your striking good looks, Beatrice!}, and she’s Canadian [I dig those Canadian musicians]. Specifically French Canadian, and there’s nothing I like more than a song sung in French.
I’m probably the last person to blog about her, but when I’m in dire need of cheering up, somehow finishing first just stops being a priority.
12 Responses to Sing Along to the Pirate’s Song.